Wyndham Maxwell
Wyndham Maxwell
Actor / Director / Playwright / Musician
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Based in NYC.

I grew up in Vermont. I got my MFA in acting from Purdue University in 2019. Before Purdue, I worked with a few different companies around New England: New Repertory Theatre, Speak About It, Inc., The Wilbury Theatre Group. I also performed with a couple different Boston improv groups. You can look at my resume right here.

I perform every summer with Vermont Suitcase Company, a theatre group that tours fast, fun, accessible shows around Vermont. This September, we’re shooting a feature film that has been in the works for over a year. I co-wrote the screenplay, and I will co-direct and act in it, as well.

I make short films with my friends. Our production company is called Fresh Show Films, and you can watch them in the films section. I also did a fair bit of touring as the keyboardist for now-dissolved punk band Ramshackle Glory. I write my own music, and you can listen to my most recent album here.

I’m based in New York City, and I love to work.


contact wyndham@wyndhammaxwell.com, or use the form below.